Volvo On Call app: Remote heater start

If your car is equipped with a parking heater, you can use the Volvo On Call app to remotely start the parking heater so that your car is warm at a specific time.

Your car must be fitted with a parking heater to be able to use this function.

Remote heater start

When remotely starting the heater, the car’s parking heater (auxiliary heater) is used to heat up your car’s engine and compartment. You can state when you want to leave, and the heater then starts automatically depending on the outdoor temperature at your car, or you can start the heater straight away. If the parking heater is not allowed to start (e.g. low fuel level), this will be indicated in the Volvo On Call app.

Criteria for remote heater start

The engine heater starts only if the following criteria are met:

  • The outdoor temperature at your Volvo is below 15 °C
  • Your Volvo has sufficient fuel.
  • Your Volvo has sufficient battery power
  • Your Volvo has mobile coverage (i.e. that it can receive the engine heater's start command)

Direct heater start/direct heater stop

Login to your Volvo On Call app and select the "Parking Heater" menu option.

From here you can choose to start and stop your parking heater.

If starting directly, the heater operates for approx. 50 min or until it is switched off.

Program your engine heater

You can pre-program your engine heater to start at eight set times:

Login to your Volvo On Call app and select the "Parking Heater" menu option.

Set "Timer" to the times when you want your car to be warmed up.

Based on the outdoor temperature, your car will calculate when the engine heater needs to be switched on in order to comply with your command.

Using Direct heater start/Direct heater stop (see above) you can cancel ongoing pre-programmed starts.

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