Volvo On Call Change of ownership

If you buy a used car which is equipped with Volvo On Call, there are a couple of things you need to do before you can use the Volvo On Call services. These steps are described in this article.

Used car with Volvo On Call

If you have bought a used car with Volvo On Call, follow the instructions below.


Contact your Volvo dealer. You need to identify yourself as the owner of the vehicle.

If it has not been done already, the dealer will delete the former owner's information and replace this with your contact details. When you buy a Volvo On Call car, the time left on the previous owner's subscription is transferred to the buyer. Your Volvo dealer informs you about the status of your car's Volvo On Call subscription. You can also find this information in the Volvo On Call app under "Settings".

Your dealer will automatically generate a Volvo On Call PIN via e-mail or SMS. Save the PIN code in a safe place.

Create a Volvo ID and connect the Volvo On Call app to your car, see Getting started with Volvo On Call.

Summary of buttons in the roof and centre displayApplies to cars that have Bluetooth..

Summary of buttons in the roof and centre display.

VOC The PIN code is used by several of the VOC services (e.g. remote door unlocking). Entering the PIN code demonstrates that you are an authorised user of these services. You should protect and remember your code in the same way as other PIN codes.

Sell a car with Volvo On Call

You must not change or delete your Volvo ID if you sell your car, your Volvo ID is personal. However, you need to terminate the link between the Volvo On Call app and your Volvo as well as delete all personal user data from your car, follow the instructions below.

Terminate the link between the Volvo On Call app and your car

Log in to your Volvo On Call app. If you do not have access to the Volvo On Call app, contact your Volvo dealer and explain that you want to sell your car.

Select "Settings".

Select "End my ownership" and enter your Volvo On Call PIN code. This deletes your user history, your driving journal and other user accounts.

Contact your Volvo dealer, who will delete your contact details in its systems.

If you have the opportunity, notify your buyer that they should contact an authorised Volvo dealer in order to reactivate Volvo On Call and provide their contact details. Volvo On Call will be active until the subscription expires.

Change of owner to a different country

If you purchase a car and import it to another country, you should make sure you visit a dealer in the country in which you purchase the car, who will delete all customer data from its systems. In the country to which you import the car, visit another dealer and follow the instructions under 'Used car with Volvo On Call'.

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