Suggest new map information

If your Volvo is equipped with Sensus Navigation, maps from the Here map supplier are shown. If you find that any information is missing from a map, or want to suggest changes, you can do this at It may be a question of information about roads, speed cameras, addresses, etc.

Suggest new map information on

If you want to report something you think is wrong in a map you can submit requests for changes or additions via Your information is then sent to Here for review. When the information has been checked and approved by Here, they will add your information in their maps. The changes will be available in your Volvo after your suggestion has been approved by Here and implemented in a map update that you then install in your navigation system.

Suggestions for changes and additions that are reported are reviewed and checked thoroughly before they are approved and added by Here in its maps. It can take up to twelve months before the changes reach the maps in your car. For information about how you update the maps in the car, see About MapCareTM

Volvo does not have the opportunity to verify, approve or implement the requests for map changes you send to Here.

How to suggest new map information

Go to

Press Feedback, which is located lower right on the web page.

Select Report a map problem.

Select the relevant subject and any subcategory.

Zoom into the map and right-click on the location in question.

Press OK and fill in the details.

Press Send to submit your request for a change or addition.

Note that the appearance and menu options on may vary between different regions and be changed with updates of their website.

If you have an account at you can log in and follow the status of your case, but it is not necessary to have an account to submit requests for map changes or additions.

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