Cancel route

You can cancel an ongoing route with a voice command or by tapping on the centre display.

Cancel ongoing route

The easiest way to cancel directions is to press Cancel (the cross) in navigation view.

You can also cancel ongoing directions as follows:

Tap on the selected destination in the navigation view (flag).

The destination is then shown at the top and a recycle bin is shown by the destination. Tap on the recycle bin to delete the destination.

Tap on the flag and then the recycle bin to cancel the route.

Delete destination or whole itinerary

You can also cancel a route by deleting a destination or the whole itinerary:

Tap on destination at the top of the navigation view.

Then delete the destination by tapping on the recycle bin, or delete the whole itinerary by selecting Clear itinerary. Then all destinations/intermediate destinations are deleted.

Here you can delete the destination or the whole itinerary (all destinations/intermediate destinations).

Cancel route with voice control

It is also possible to cancel a route with a short tap on the voice control button and then saying Cancel.

To read more about voice control, see Voice recognition control of Sensus Navigation.

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