The differences between Sensus Navigation and Internet maps

Volvo offers a navigation system called Sensus Navigation as well as a map service called Internet maps. As the appearance is very similar, it may be different to know which system your Volvo is equipped with.

Car's navigation system

If you press the NAV button, a map and the car's navigation system are shown in the centre display. Volvo offers a full-scale navigation system (Sensus Navigation) that uses hard drive-based maps, voice guidance, advanced route calculation based on traffic information, Internet search functionality and the ability to set multiple destinations. The standard version comes with the simple map service called Internet maps.

Differences in appearance

As the systems are very similar in appearance, it may be difficult to identify which of the systems you have in your Volvo. To check this, follow the instructions below.

Press the NAV button

In the map view, press the OK/MENU button to access the menu view.

The menu looks like this if the car is equipped with Sensus Navigation:

The menu looks like this if the car is equipped with Internet maps:

Differences in performance

The biggest difference between Internet maps and Sensus Navigation is that Internet maps requires a constant Internet connection during use, while Sensus Navigation uses maps stored on a hard drive. The maps are downloaded or imported from USB and then saved locally in your car. This means that there is no additional data traffic when using Sensus Navigation, which can be very practical, particularly when driving abroad.

You can update your downloaded maps free of charge using the MapCare service. For more information on this service, see About MapCareTM

More functions with Sensus Navigation

The following functions are found in Sensus Navigation, but not in Internet maps:

  • Voice recognition control of the system.
  • Travel guide, voice guidance of itinerary and route.
  • Expanded itinerary. You can add multiple intermediate destinations to your route.
  • Several route alternatives. For example, you can choose which route suggestion should be prioritised (fastest route, traffic-based route, most eco-friendly route and similar).
  • Import/export of points of interest (POI).
  • Advanced route calculation based on current traffic information.
  • Internet searches. You can, for example, search for more information about an intermediate destination via the Internet.
  • You can record a route, which is then stored in the system memory. Recorded files can be exported/transferred to a USB memory and e.g. copied to the GPS navigator of another vehicle.
  • You get access to the Send to Car service, which makes it possible to send map destinations to your Volvo from other devices. For more information, see Send to Car. You also get access to other navigation-related services, such as Local Search, Find Fuel, Glympse, Park and Pay, Yelp, WikiLocations and Weather. The range of services and applications available depends on the market.

Upgrading the navigation system

If your Volvo is equipped with the Internet maps service, you can upgrade your navigation system to Sensus Navigation to gain access to additional functions and improved performance. To upgrade the navigation system, contact your Volvo dealer. Upon upgrade to Sensus Navigation, Internet maps is replaced completely.

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