E-mail application

With the Sensus Connected Touch option you have access to the e-mail application. Using the e-mail application you can receive, read and send e-mail messages.

Using e-mail

To select and read a message in the inbox, press Enter and go one step back by pressing Exit.

The e-mail application cannot be used while driving for safety reasons.

To close the app, use the back button or the home button.

Syncing of calendar and e-mail account

When you connect a mobile phone the calendar and e-mail are synced with your account on the server. This is therefore not done in the Sensus Connected Touch device and is not dependent on the type of phone you have.

Setting up your own e-mail

To set up your own e-mail, follow the instructions below.


Start the email application.

Enter your email address and password. Press Next.

Select a name for your account (optional).

Select your name to be displayed on outgoing messages and press Done.

Sending e-mail

To send e-mail, please follow the instructions below.


In the inbox, press the Main menu button.

Press Write.

Enter the recipient's e-mail address and subject. Write the message and press Send.

Sending e-mail written offline

To send an e-mail that you have written in offline mode, follow the instructions below.


In the inbox, press the Main menu button.

Press Accounts.

Press Outbox and view a list of the email/emails created in offline mode.

Press Send outgoing messages to send your messages.

Deleting an account

To delete an e-mail account, follow the instructions below.


In the inbox, press the Main menu button.

Select Accounts and give a long press on the account you want to delete.

Select Delete account and press OK in the confirmation popup.

Attaching a photo from the mobile phone to an e-mail

To add an attachment, e.g. a photo, follow the instructions below.


In the inbox, press Settings.

Select Print settings and then Add attachments.

Select a picture by pressing on it. The photo is now attached into your e-mail message.

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