Volvo On Call Information messages

This article gives examples of information messages that appear when Volvo On Call is inoperative.

Discharged battery

If you receive a message indicating that the car has a discharged battery and is waiting for the Volvo On Call system to wake up, this may be because you have not used the car for a while.

To save the battery when the car is not used for any length of time, set the Volvo On Call system to standby. For more information, see Volvo On Call Standby mode (Stand by).

Your Volvo On Call subscription is set to expire soon

45 days before your Volvo On Call subscription is set to expire, the message Volvo On Call subscription expires soon will be shown in your Volvo display. If you are using the Android or iOS version of the Volvo On Call app, you will also receive reminders in your app. For information on how to extend your subscription, see Manage your Volvo On Call subscription.

Volvo On Call has been disabled

If your Volvo On Call subscription has expired and the Volvo On Call system has been disabled, a message will be shown in the car’s display which states Volvo On Call subscription has expired. For more information, see Manage your Volvo On Call subscription or contact your Volvo dealer.

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