Volvo On Call app: Send destination to car

You can use the Volvo On Call app to send a destination (e.g. hotels, shops, cinemas, restaurants, petrol stations) to your Volvo. The destination is then available in your Volvo's navigation systemOption.

Send destination to car

To send a destination to your Volvo from the Volvo On Call app, follow the instructions below.


Select "Send destination" in the Volvo On Call app.

Search for a destination and select a search result.

Select "Send destination to car".

The selected destination is sent to your car's navigation system.

Find parking near your destination

From the "Send destination" menu option, you can also find parking spaces in the vicinity of your destination by selecting the symbol that is located in the search field. You can choose to send the address of the parking area to your Volvo's navigation systemOption.

If your car's navigation system was not factory-installed, your car's configuration needs to be updated by an authorised Volvo dealer before it is possible to send a destination to your car using the Volvo On Call app.

Car model/model year

Cars of model year 2012 and later, equipped with Volvo On Call and Sensus Navigation


Volvo On Call

Sensus Navigation

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