Volvo On Call app: Driving journal

The Volvo On Call app automatically creates a driving journal which allows you to view a summary of your car journeys. The data is visible from all the accounts that you have connected to your car.

Travel information

The Volvo On Call app stores information on the journeys you have made with your Volvo over the last 100 days. To see summaries of your journeys, follow the instructions below.


Log in to your Volvo On Call app and select "Driving journal".

Select the journey for which you want more information.

The following information on the selected car journey is displayed in the app:

  • Title
  • Note
  • Driving time
  • Fuel consumption
  • Electricity consumption (Hybrid car)
  • Electrical regeneration (Hybrid car)
  • Distance travelled
  • Start and stop time
  • Start and stop location
  • Meter reading

Registration of travel information

Travel information is sent to the Volvo On Call app between 30 seconds and one minute after the car key has been removed. If you restart the engine within this time to continue driving, the journey in progress before the engine was switched off continues. In case of longer stops, e.g. refuelling at a petrol station, two trips will be logged. You have the option of merging multiple journeys into one via the app, see Volvo On Call app: Manage driving journal.

The travel information can then be downloaded and saved in Excel format, a useful function if, for example, you have a company car, see Volvo On Call app: Manage driving journal.

Manage your driving journal

For more information on how to edit and define settings in your driving journal, see Volvo On Call app: Manage driving journal.

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