Transfer a phone book to your Volvo

It is possible to download the phone book from your mobile phone to your Volvo. The instructions vary depending on which system your Volvo is equipped with.

All use of the phone book requires that the symbol appears at the top of the display screen and that the handsfree function is in phone mode (see Manage Bluetooth® hands-free calls).

Sensus Connect system

There are two different versions of the infotainment system. To find out which version is in your car, check whether you have the connection button . If present, go to section Sensus Connect, otherwise go to section Sensus.

Sensus Connect

The car mirrors the mobile phone's phone book and shows only this phone book when the phone is connected (see Pair your Volvo with a Bluetooth® device or Pair a Bluetooth® device with your Volvo). Mirroring must be accepted in the phone when it is connected. Depending on the mobile phone, this can be activated by:

  • A pop-up box or a notification is shown and accepted in the phone.
  • Accept sharing of information in the phone's settings for the Bluetooth® connection to the car.

In some cases it may be a requirement that the phone is disconnected and reconnected to the car in order for mirroring to be activated, see Disconnect a Bluetooth device from your Volvo.


The phone book can be copied automatically to the car during each connection (see Pair your Volvo with a Bluetooth® device or Pair a Bluetooth® device with your Volvo). To activate/deactivate this function:

On the centre console: Press TEL and then select OK/MENU.

On the centre console: Select Phone settings.

On the centre console: Select Download phone book and press OK/MENU.

The phone book will now be available in the car when the phone is connected.

The car also has a built-in phone book. This contains all the contacts stored in the car irrespective of which phone was connected when saving them. These contacts are visible for all users, regardless of the phone that is connected to the car. To save a contact, follow the instructions below.

On your phone: Connect your phone to the car, see Pair your Volvo with a Bluetooth® device or Pair a Bluetooth® device with your Volvo.

On the centre console: Press TEL and then select OK/MENU.

On the centre console: Select Phone book and then Search contact.

On the centre console: Select contact and press OK/MENU.

On the centre console: Press OK/MENU again, Select option and then select Copy to car memory.

The symbol is shown in front of the saved contact in the phone book.

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