Multiple Volvo IDs

This article describes how to handle multiple Volvo IDs or multiple cars linked to the same Volvo ID.

Multiple cars linked to the same Volvo ID

Multiple Volvos

  • On your personal My Volvo

    Applies to My Volvo markets only.

    you can add several cars to your Volvo ID, but a car can only have one active connection to a Volvo ID at a time.
  • It is not possible for the Volvo On Call app

    Only applies to VOC markets.

    to control multiple cars due to technical limitations.

Multiple Volvo IDs

  • It is possible to have several accounts on My Volvo

    Applies to My Volvo markets only.

    , each with a unique Volvo ID which can have a link (e.g. owner, main driver, driver) with your car. A car can only have one active connection to a Volvo ID at a time.

Car model/model year

My Volvo: All car models from 2004 and laterVaries depending on market..


Volvo On Call

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