Volvo On Call - Languages and countries

This article describes the markets in which Volvo On Call (VOC) is available and the languages in which the VOC app is available.

Available markets for Volvo On Call

Volvo On Call is available as a factory option for all Volvo cars sold in:

  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Switzerland
  • Spain
  • UK
  • Sweden
  • Germany
  • USA
  • Austria

Available languages for the Volvo On Call app

The Volvo On Call app is available in the following languages:

  • Danish
  • English (UK)
  • English (US)
  • Finnish
  • French
  • French (Canada)
  • Italian
  • Chinese (simplified)
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • German

Change language via the general language settings on your mobile phone.

Available Volvo On Call functions if you are driving in a different country

Volvo On Call continues to work throughout most of Europe. There are three possible scenarios:

  • You are driving in a country in which Volvo On Call is sold (the markets listed above and Portugal), full functionality is then available.
  • You are driving in a country which is included in the Volvo On Call provisioning list, these countries are currently: Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland and Poland.
  • If you press the SOS button or in the event of an automatic collision warning when you are in any of these countries, the Volvo On Call will call the local emergency number. This means that if, for example, you are driving from Germany to Poland and press the SOS button, the Volvo On Call system will call the Polish emergency number. Note that the On Call button and automatic theft notification do not work in these countries. However, the car can be traced entering and leaving the country, and you can also unlock your car via Volvo On Call customer service.
  • You are driving in other countries, and nothing will then happen in the event of a collision or if you press the SOS button. The On Call button, the app, stolen car tracing and automatic theft messages do not work. You will however be able to unlock your car by calling Volvo On Call customer service centre and requesting a remote door unlock.

Car model/model year

Cars of model year 2012 and later equipped with Volvo On Call


Volvo On Call

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