Human Innovations

Making people’s lives easier, safer, better.

Volvo’s philosophy has always been to put people first. To pioneer innovations for a safer, cleaner, more enjoyable future. What will people need? How will they drive? To answer these questions, it’s sometimes necessary to challenge convention, to find a new path. Delivering solutions that make people’s lives easier, safer, better comes as naturally as breathing. That’s the Volvo way.

Relax and let your car drive

We’ve developed autonomous technology that allows our cars to do some of the driving – and thinking – for you.  We’re doing this to make every journey as safe, enjoyable and stress-free as possible.


Pilot Projects

Customer innovation

Making driving more enjoyable, safer and cleaner is at the forefront of our Pilot Projects thinking. We want to reduce complexity for you whenever and wherever we can.

Combining technology and innovation, our Pilot Projects test a range of solutions for the challenges we all face today, and in the future.

This section features technology under development by Volvo Cars. Future solutions may differ from these concepts.

Power without compromise

Anders Agfors, Senior Engineer, takes you on a journey through our Drive-E powertrains.

Our Future Thinking

The world is a fast-changing place, and at Volvo Cars we’re always thinking several steps ahead. So how could Volvo be enhancing your life in the future?