Contact Us

If you can't find an answer to your questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. In order for us to give you the best possible help please make sure that you get in touch with the correct person or department.

Mailing address:

Volvo Car Corporation
405 31 Göteborg

Visiting address, Headquarters:

VAK building, Assar Gabrielssons väg
Switchboard phone: 46-(0)31-59 00 00

If you want to learn more about our products, please visit our product pages. If you have a customer complaint, please see Customer Relations below.

Customer Relations

If you can't find an answer to your issue at your local Volvo Dealer or the Market Representative of your region, you are most welcome to contact Customer Experience Management by filling this form

Please note that we do not handle job applications. You can find all information about job openings here.

Customer Experience Management phone:

+46 31 325 00 77
(Lines open: 09.30-11.00 and 14.00-16.00 CET, Saturday and Sunday closed).

Volvo Cars Human Resources

To find information about job opportunities, thesis works and the graduate program, please visit the career site.

Volvo Cars' Human Resource Service Center provides service and guidance in HR specific questions and processes.

If you have questions regarding how to apply for a job, how the recruitment process works or other issues concerning career, please contact us at [email protected].

Visit Volvo

At the Volvo Cars Visitor Centre in Gothenburg, Sweden, you can enjoy various activities such as a train ride through the factory, test driving the latest car models or a guided tour in our Brand Experience Centre, shopping or lunch. To learn more go to Visit Volvo.

Volvo Cars Driving Academy

If you would like to sign up for, or have any comments or questions about Volvo Cars Driving Academy, please fill in this form: Contact Us - Volvo Cars Driving Academy

Volvo Cars Supplier Portal

Visit the supplier portal.