
Sjöö Sandström, watchmaker

The timeless art of precision

At Volvo, we appreciate quality craftsmanship. So we went to watch some true craftsmen in action.

Beautiful timepieces, patiently crafted with the greatest precision and designed to last for generations. This is why, when it comes to choosing a watch, people choose Sjöö Sandström. And why this Stockholm-based watchmaker has become a byword for quality and genuine craftsmanship.
Around the mid-nineteenth century, Swedish horology started making a name for itself. The Swedish clock and chronometer maker Victor Kullberg was declared “beyond compare” after dominating the annual chronometer competition in Greenwich, England. While towards the end of the century, the precision engineer Henning Hammarlund put Sweden firmly on the international map by founding the country’s first pocket watch factory. After establishing an international reputation for excellence, Swedish horology continued to tick along nicely until 1986 when the watchmaker, Sjöö Sandström, decided to move the art of watchmaking forward – while at the same time paying tribute to the glorious traditions of the past.

Pioneering at its best

“It’s important for us to incorporate both watchmaking’s rich heritage and elements of Swedish nature into our designs. Our Royal Capital watch is presented in a teak box, similar to the ones Victor Kullberg’s chronometers used to rest in. Our diving watch, Landsort, is inspired by – and named after – the deepest point in the Baltic Sea, which is located in the Stockholm archipelago. We are also very specific about using Tungsten as opposed to steel or gold. Tungsten was a Swedish discovery, after all,” explains Felix Formark, Sjöö Sandström’s managing director.

“Like those who choose to wear a Sjöö Sandström watch, we have no interest in simply following the crowd. For us, it’s important to follow our own path. We are authentic, we are local and we enjoy a close relationship with our customers. When you bring your watch in to be serviced, you can actually meet the same craftsman who made your watch,“ says Felix, who sees a similarity between caring for your car and caring for your watch.

Designs that stand the test of time

"To continue getting the most out of your car you have to have it serviced regularly – and the same goes for your watch. When we service a watch, we carefully take it apart in order to change the oil and gaskets. We also meticulously clean every detail to ensure it continues to perform the way it was intended for as long as possible. A lot of hours go into a service. Hours that result in more time for you and more time for your watch.” concludes Felix.

In Scandinavia, one of the most treasured possessions is time. It’s a genuine luxury to be enjoyed and savoured, whether you spend your time exploring the city or the depths of the Baltic Sea.

Felix Formark, Managing Director, Sjöö Sandström -
"Like those who choose to wear a Sjöö Sandström watch, we have no interest in simply following the crowd. For us, it’s important to follow our own path."


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