
Volvo Owner Reviews

Find out what customers think about our Volvo cars. Uncensored and unedited customer reviews by reevoo, the respected independent review company, who collect, collate and publish all real owner reviews.

Real customer reviews

Buying a new car is a big decision. There's a lot to consider, from fuel-economy and performance to entertainment options and comfort. So you want to make sure you've done your homework. To help you in the process, we've partnered with Reevoo who collects, collates and publishes independent online car reviews from genuine Volvo owners. Reevoo doesn't edit or censor any reviews and won't let us do so either. Read the reviews for yourself - and even ask existing Volvo owners about their cars.

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Our Innovations

Everything we do is designed around people, so every innovation we make is designed to simplify and improve your life. We're especially proud of our advances in efficient power, connectivity and safety. We call our thinking in these areas: Drive-E, Sensus and IntelliSafe.