Made by Sweden

Always caring about people.

In Sweden, care for people is a priority. Everyone is important – all life is important – and that has always carried through naturally into Volvo’s ethos of car making. It’s this care for the wellbeing of driver, passengers and everyone around the car that has always defined Volvo. And always will.

A catalyst for change

When engineers in America tested a Volvo in 1976, they thought their equipment was broken because the emissions readings were so low. But Volvo had fitted the world’s first three-way catalytic converter (Lambda Sond), cutting hazardous exhaust emissions by around 90 per cent. We realised how important that was for the world and left the patent open. Today, almost every engine in the world uses it.

One million lives

Keeping you safe has always been Volvo’s mission. And the humble safety belt has helped us save an estimated one million lives since Volvo’s Nils Bohlin introduced the three-point safety belt back in 1959. Since then, we’ve been on a constant path of innovation – right up to creating the world’s first seat belts that pre-tighten when the car senses that a rear impact is imminent.

A flair for materials

Our use of specially hand-picked examples of flame birch shows the lengths we go to in order to ensure that only the best and most suitable materials make it into a Volvo. The most beautiful examples are the hardest to find, but we go the distance.

Volvo Ocean Race

The Volvo Ocean Race is a chance for salty-dog sailors and novices alike to share an incredible round-the-world adventure. So follow the race and root for your favorite team because this really is a ‘people first’ event.

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World firsts

At Volvo Cars we’re proving every day that we’re one of the world’s most progressive car brands. And our story of innovation continues, with many significant recent world firsts – all designed to make your life easier, safer and kinder to the environment.

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Thomas Ingenlath on Volvo’s design language

“People really appreciate the very strong and iconic graphics that Volvos have always had. It’s an upright honesty that is there in the shape.”

Robin Page – Director of Interior Design

“An interior that is so well refined, that when you get in it, it makes you feel really special. Our creation is true to Swedish design principles and that is what makes it a Volvo.”

People behind Volvo

The engineer

Stefan Sällqvist, Product manager

“For our 2014 Model Year facelift, we really challenged ourselves to do our utmost to achieve the perfect result. At Volvo, we had an intimate dialogue with customers worldwide throughout the programme. At a very late stage we got the signal that the new appearance didn’t excite our customers enough, so we listened and redid the facelift after it had already been signed off. It’s really been worthwhile, as the public response has been fantastic.”

The production worker

Irina Colceag, Production

“If we have a problem, all the team talks about how to make it better. If everybody is together, everyone feels good and you can achieve much better results. The way the team reacts when there is a problem, with everyone communicating, is great to see – and great for the quality of the cars we make.”

The project leader

Marcus Rothoff, Drive Me Project leader

“When I was a child, a car was a symbol of freedom. But now, driving a car actually makes you feel cut off from the world around you. We want to change all that. We want to help drivers use their time in the most productive way possible and help them keep up with the speed of modern life. The aim of Drive Me is to put self-driving cars in the hands of regular drivers and give them back that sense of freedom by helping them make the best use of their time when they’re out on the road.”

Factories & Environment

Care for the world we live in is something that Volvo Cars has always been committed to – and that includes the factories where we build our cars.

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Our sustainable business

At Volvo Cars, sustainability is a living, evolving process that sits at the heart of everything we do. We take pride in our role in society and strive to be one step ahead, to meet the challenges of tomorrow, today. Sustainability is all about our commitment to people and the world we live in, and is based on the conviction that it creates business opportunities and reinforces our competitiveness.