Frequently Asked Questions




What is an apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is work based vocational training funded by the Skills Funding Agency, Skills for Scotland and the Welsh Assembly Government. There is no cost to the young person (aged 16-23) when undertaking an apprenticeship, but a Volvo dealer will be asked to make a dealer contribution towards value added aspects of the apprenticeship journey. An employer may also be required to contribute to the cost of training if the young person begins the apprenticeship after their 19th birthday.
Learners will be based in their place of employment where they will be fully employed, training will be through a day or block release programme with the apprentice attending the Volvo Training & Development Centre (TDC) in Daventry or through any training partners for specific programmes not delivered in at Daventry. Our programmes are delivered through a combination of learning methods, including trainer led, online and webinar. Assessment takes place in the normal working environment with by a visiting assessor.

Can anyone do an apprenticeship?
Apprenticeship training is aimed at people aged between 16-24 years that have not already completed a qualification in a similar type of work. It is always advised to check this as you may be able to complete a level 3 qualification even if you have a level 2 in a similar subject.
In Scotland, priority to access and apprenticeship set at 16-19 year olds, however on occasion funding could become available for the 20+ age group in some occupational sectors.

What does an apprenticeship involve?
A Volvo apprenticeship will involve on the job training with either a day release or block release programme. For day release training, this is carried out in the dealership with a visiting assessor. For block training, this will be held at a Volvo Training & Development Centre (TDC) in Daventry.
Volvo apprenticeships also offer both online and webinar learning where the learner will be able access training and remain in their place of employment.
Apprentices will be paid for their time in both the work place and when undertaking learning. An apprentice will be fully employed by a Volvo dealer so will be entitled to the same employee rights and benefits as other people in the business. Once the apprenticeship has been completed the learner will have both a recognised qualification and experience within their chosen field to be able to successfully progress their career.

How much does an apprentice get paid?
Apprentices are entitled to the minimum apprenticeship salary of £2.73 an hour, which will work out at around £110 a week as all apprentices are required to work fulltime.
This can vary from employer to employer as they may choose to pay more than this and offer other benefits to the apprentice.

Are travel costs provided by the employer?
This is to be decided between the apprentice and the Volvo dealer.

When do apprenticeships start?
An apprenticeship can be started at any time of year. Once an apprentice begins their employment with a Volvo dealer, an individualised learning programme will be developed at their induction.

How can I find and apply for an apprenticeship?
You can apply for our vacancies by reviewing our current vacancies we have been notified of from our dealer network. To do this, click here. Once you found a vacancy you wish to apply for, follow the on screen application process.
You can also find all of our vacancies on the National Apprenticeship Service website. If you would like to find your own vacancy, click here and type in keyword ‘Volvo’.

When will I find out if I have got an apprenticeship?
Once you have had an interview your prospective Volvo dealer, the apprentice programme will be in contact to let you know if you have been successful in securing an apprenticeship. The Volvo dealer will then arrange your employment start date. If you are unsuccessful we will discuss with you any other opportunities that you can interview for or advice on what to do next.
Typically the decision can take up to a week but depending on the Volvo dealer this makes take longer. You may also be invited to do a trial or attend a second interview, you will be told the details of this as soon as the Volvo Apprentice Programme are made aware.

What is the length of an apprenticeship?
Apprenticeship programmes typically take a minimum of 12 months to complete but some programmes can take up to 36 months depending on the type of the apprenticeship.
At this point in time any apprenticeships cannot be completed in less than 12 months.

What qualifications will I get once I have completed the apprenticeship?
Depending on your programme you will gain either a Level 2 or 3 NVQ/VCQ in the specialism you have chosen.

Will I be able to stay with the company once I have completed the apprenticeship?
This depends on the Volvo dealer. If you make a good impression and work hard the Volvo dealer may decide to employ you after the apprenticeship has been completed.
This cannot be guaranteed, but at the end of the apprenticeship you will have gained a practical qualification and experience to be able to help you find employment within the industry you have chosen.

Can I study full time as well as participate in an apprenticeship?
No, apprenticeships are designed to be an alternative to full time study and you will be required to work full time at your place of employment.

How does training and assessment work within the Volvo Apprenticeship Programme?
For block release programmes, theory training (Technical Certificate) is delivered by the Volvo Apprentice Programme at the Volvo Training & Development Centre (TDC) in Daventry and practical assessments (NVQ/VRQ) are covered by a visiting assessor at the apprentice’s place of work.
Functional Skills is also completed by with the Volvo Apprentice Programme assessor.

How does training and assessment work within ‘In Dealer’ apprenticeship model?
With the ‘In dealer’ model, Volvo Apprentice Programme assessors will deliver all the theory, practical and Functional Skills teaching and learning at the apprentice’s place of work.

Am I entitled to holidays during my apprenticeship?
Yes, as you are fully employed by the company you are placed with for your apprenticeship, you will be entitled to all of the same benefits as other employees.

Am I able to choose where I work?
All of our apprenticeships are advertised on behalf of a Volvo dealer, if you apply directly to one of our advertisements and you are successful you will be interviewed by them. So you can decide whether the company and the working environment are right for you. You can view our latest vacancies by clicking here.

What happens if I get made redundant on an apprenticeship?
If you get made redundant from your Volvo dealer during your apprenticeship please let Volvo Apprentice Programme or your assessor know as soon as you are aware. The Volvo Apprentice Programme will be able to give you advice and support during the redundancy as well as endeavouring to support you to find alternative employment and hopefully continue your apprenticeship.

What should I do if I experience any problems during my apprenticeship?
If you experience any problems during your apprenticeship depending on the issue it is best to discuss this with your Volvo dealer as well as your visiting assessor.
If the issue is about the workplace it is best to first discuss this with your manager to see if the problem can be resolved, but make sure you let your assessor know as if the issue cannot be resolved directly with your manager, the Volvo Apprentice Programme may be able to help.
If the issue is about the training and assessments you can go directly to your assessor to see if there is any additional support that they can offer you to make sure you are getting the most out of your apprenticeship.

What hours will I work?
Apprenticeships are designed to be full time so you will typically be working between 30-40 hours a week. You may have the opportunity to work overtime but this will be dependent on your employer.
A typical working week will be Monday-Friday but this may differ due to the requirements of the business you are working in. You may need to work shifts, evenings, weekends and public holidays.
Your working hours will be explained to you by your Volvo dealer employer during the recruitment process and during your induction to the company.

What are the entry requirements do I need for a Volvo Apprenticeship?
• Aged 16-23
• Have GCSE Grade A- C in both Maths & English or Science Scottish Certificate of Education Standard 3 or above
• Complete simple aptitude tests
• Have a passion for the automotive industry
• Be committed to complete a 3 year programme
• Be hungry to learn and pursue further qualifications
• Be seeking an exciting role with a dynamic company

What if I did my studies abroad?
If you have completed your studies outside of the UK, the Volvo Apprentice Programme will need to check if you are eligible to undertake an apprenticeship. To do this please contact us by email to [email protected] and we will check to make sure you are eligible to apply for an apprenticeship.

If I have a degree am I still able to apply for an apprenticeship?
A degree is a higher qualification than an apprenticeship which means you would not be eligible to for the funding required to train as an apprentice.