Volvo Car Leasing
Travelling Abroad?

If you are planning to take your vehicle to Europe this summer, you will need to obtain the appropriate paperwork to comply with European legislation

This fact sheet provides you with a comprehensive checklist of the documentation and materials you need to take with you, and the checks you need to make before setting off.

“Vehicle on Hire Certificate” and letter of authorisation
As registered keeper of your vehicle, we must issue you with a letter of authorisation to give you permission to take the vehicle out of the United Kingdom. We will also issue you with a Vehicle on Hire Certificate (VE103R), authorised on behalf of the Department of Transport, which will provide foreign authorities with details of your vehicle and of the hire arrangement between you and Volvo Car Leasing.

To request these two documents, simply call the RAC Helpdesk on 0870 165 0980 or submit an application via the European Travel Documents page of our website Please allow at least seven days from the date of your application to the receipt of your documentation. If you are travelling within seven days, please call 0870 165 0980 and special delivery can be arranged if required, at the current cost.

Your current full UK driving licence
If you have a new format driving licence, you will require both the photocard and its paper counterpart. 

Foreign motor insurance
Most insurance policies will give you cover to take your vehicle into Europe. However, if you are at all unsure whether your insurance policy provides this cover, check with your insurance provider.

European breakdown cover
It is essential that you have adequate breakdown cover while travelling in Europe. We may automatically provide you with comprehensive cover for overseas travel and, if so, you will receive a European Motoring Assistance policy booklet along with your Vehicle on Hire Certificate and letter of authorisation. Alternatively, you can call 0870 165 0980 for discounted rates on RAC European Motoring Assistance.

• Vehicle on Hire Certificate and letter of authorisation
• Your current full UK driving licence
• Foreign motor insurance
• European breakdown cover
• Personal travel insurance
• Your vehicle safety kit
• Safety checks
• European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
• Your travel itinerary

Personal travel insurance
Give you and your family peace of mind by taking out travel insurance to cover theft, loss and medical costs. You can take out annual or single trip cover from most insurers.

Your vehicle safety kit
Many countries in Europe require by law that you carry a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, warning triangle, reflective jacket, headlamp beam reflectors and spare bulbs. You can find out exactly what is required for each country at although we advise that you pack these important items regardless of where you are travelling.

Safety checks
Before you go, it’s vital that you carry out normal vehicle safety checks on your oil, water, windscreen washer fluid, tyre wear and tyre pressure. Remember that if your vehicle is full of passengers and luggage, you should refer to the manufacturer’s handbook for revised tyre pressures. Please also ensure that if your vehicle requires a service it is booked in at least seven days before you are due to travel.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
We recommend that you obtain the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which entitles you to reducedcost, sometimes free, medical treatment that you might need while you’re in Europe. You can apply for an EHIC for you and your family at the post office or online at Please note that although intermediary organisations have attempted to charge for this card, it should always be free.

Your travel itinerary
Please ensure your family or friends have a copy of your travel itinerary and your mobile phone number, and make sure you let them know if you make any changes to your itinerary

Other travel tips
Please ensure you are familiar with and comply with local traffic and driving regulations for the countries you are visiting, such as speed limits, drink driving limits, child restraints etc. It is also important to check any mandatory equipment requirements including breathalysers, safety kits and any restrictions in the use of speed cameras detection devices. For further guidance, please refer to the information available online.

Online information
Foreign and Commonwealth Office -

ON 0345 600 4027
[email protected]