Technical Support

For technical assistance regarding vehicle repair or diagnostics you can contact the Vehicle Technical Helpdesk Service.
To do this, telephone +44(0)1327 303630.

Payment: All fees will be charged in Euro's from Germany

A base Administration fee of 12 € per contact, plus a 5 € per minute will be charged. If you are VAT registered this will not be added to the invoice and you will need to reconcile this locally. If you are not VAT registered in the UK, a 20% German tax will be included. Any charges will be monthly in arrears:

Please note the Vehicle Technical Helpdesk are not able to research an issue then call you back. Any necessary research will be done whilst the call is in progress.

The Vehicle Technical Helpdesk service is available 10.30- 12.30 and 14.30-17.00 Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays.

Volvo Car Corporation reserves the right to modify at any time the structure and methodology of charging costs, which will be notified one month in advance prior to the application. All costs are payable by credit card.

The Helpdesk Technician cannot provide assistance in cases where you intend to make changes to the original specification. The same applies to the fitment of accessories not approved by Volvo.

Support is provided solely on the basis of the repair methods approved by Volvo and assume that they are used with the specific equipment, tooling and that technical personnel possessing the necessary skills to work on Volvo products.

Indications of specific equipment and training programmes can be found in the Independent repairer section under the relevant heading. Notes:
Volvo Car Corporation reserves the right to modify at any time the structure and methodology of charging costs which will still be given information one month in advance prior to the application. All costs are payable by credit card.

The Helpdesk Technician can not provide assistance in cases where you intend to make changes to products Volvo unlike the original specifications. The same applies to installations of accessories not approved by VolvoL'assistenza is provided solely on the basis of the repair methods approved by Volvo.

Support is provided solely on the basis of the repair methods approved by Volvo, provided that they are used the specific equipment and technical personnel in possession of the necessary skills to intervene on Volvo products.

Indications of specific equipment and training programs can be found in this same area under the title "special equipment".